
Publisher’s Letter: Thank You

I haven’t quite been in Saratoga Springs for a year, so I’m still looking at my adopted hometown with pretty fresh eyes. And let me tell you, one of its most obvious traits is a serious culture of giving back to the community. So, I decided to wade into the mix and launch saratoga living’s first-ever Saratoga Gives Back fundraising soirée last December, which I hope is a special addition to the Spa City’s holiday season for years to come.

Our first crop of “10 Under 40” philanthropy powerhouses was nothing if not inspiring—and I loved getting to know the local charities they cared so passionately about. A huge thanks to brothers Matt and Carmine DeCrescente, who really came in strong and raised the most money, for Alzheimer’s Association of Northeastern New York; plus, SPAC’s Junior Committee; and Amanda Vance of New Vocations, who came in second and third, respectively. 

And, of course, none of this would be possible without our valued partners. I can’t thank our sponsors enough—Putnam Place and Stewart’s Shops, whose holiday match program is what the season is truly all about.

Thank you to Saratoga Gives Back’s sponsor Stewart’s Shops! (from left) Amy Potter, Stacy Morris, Joanne McDermott, Erica Komoroske, Jennifer Atkins and Lauren Cifra. (NonStop Music)

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