‘saratoga living’ Horoscopes: Good Times, Gemini

Hey, Saratogians! You can now read your monthly horoscopes in saratoga living magazine—and, of course, on saratogaliving.com. (Check out last month’s to compare and contrast.) Make sure to return early and often to our website to find out what’ll lie in store for you over the next month.


May 21-June 20
Hello, Saratoga twins! The limelight’s on you now. Time to pull your two sides together, flash that beaming smile and wow them with your incredible intellect. You’re at the starting gate and ready for the doors to open. Focus, focus, focus! Your romantic and business partnerships are ideal and beneficial right through the summer and could help you achieve a cherished dream. However, you could have turbulent times in the financial department. You often take leaps of faith. I would advise not to gamble with your finances in any way. If an estate is involved, some hostilities might arise that could sever ties permanently. Is it really worth it?


June 21-July 22
Your home will be filled with activity—and possibly a little bickering. It seems that fate’s involved in a partnership. It can be intense, deep and transforming. While it can be attractive, it sometimes feels like you want to crawl back into your shell. There’s a lot to learn. Saddle up and don’t immediately jump to the most dire conclusion.


July 23-August 22
You have a lot on your mind and happening behind the scenes. Relax and enjoy the Capital Region’s summer festivities with friends. Bask in the sun. Take a long overdue vacation. Delve into your creativity. Ride your horse into the sunset. You’ll figure things out.


August 23-September 22
Boy, are your creative juices flowing! Harness them and partner with someone to make things happen. You could have a big breakthrough in your career. Keep your eyes open for advancement through friends or groups. You’ll make your home a place of comfort and beauty this summer.


September 23-October 22
There’s a struggle between home life and your career. The best option right now is to take advantage of travel abroad or expand your education to advance your career. Travel will give you some time away to balance your thoughts. Pay attention to your health, as there could be some hard-to-diagnose ailments popping up.


October 23-November 21
Where are the most mysterious places in Saratoga? That’s where you need to be, Scorpio. You’re intrigued and want to investigate. Time to delve into the history of this region, with all its beauty, culture and unknown secrets.


November 22-December 21
This summer, take luck in stride, as it shows up everywhere you turn: money, partnerships, intimacy and health. Invest for the long term in all these areas, and you won’t be disappointed with this grand alignment.


December 22-January 19
Things are pretty heavy, to say the least, Capricorn. It may feel like you’re in a pressure cooker. You’ll find release with a good partner. You may not like to lean on him or her because of your independent nature, but it’ll be good to have a reliable person to help you clean out the stable.


January 20-February 18
You’re filled with sparks of creativity, so revel in group collaboration. Your health may be a bit unpredictable. Don’t force your horse to jump if it’s not necessary, or you may find yourself in the hospital. Yet, romance is in the air.


February 19-March 20
The fish are definitely biting at your creative projects. Time to put effort into this area and be sure not to rest on your laurels. You can achieve great success if you’re in the right place with the right friends. You need to put some energy into self-promotion. It won’t happen by itself.


Have you been struggling with your career, Aries? Maybe it’s time to take a break, travel or do a staycation and enjoy the serenity of your own home. There, you can take the time to catch up on reading or learning something new.


April 20-May 20
If things seem a little unusual to you, it’s because you’re out of your element, Taurus. This isn’t comfortable to you, as you enjoy things that are more stable and predictable. If you invest, stick to the tried and true. You’re always up for a good, solid investment, and this will be a great time to make one.

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