
‘saratoga living’ Horoscopes: Libras Tip The Scale


September 23-October 22
You begin the autumn season attracting plenty of attention. However, you find yourself wanting quiet time to enjoy the colorful Upstate New York scenery while picking apples, drinking cider and cozying up to an evening fire. Time spent with siblings can be enjoyable, with discussions centering around family heritage. This is a ripe time to think of new ways to earn more money and increase your investments. It’s also a great time to take a course in a new subject that has piqued your interest. Guard your health as the weather turns cooler, because some hard-to-diagnose symptoms may arise. Unusual circumstances may occur with the legal system, taxes, loans, inheritances, death and rebirth. Outcomes should be good if you stay focused.


October 23-November 21
This is a beneficial time for you, Scorpio. Employment, income and finances are highlighted. You may receive a sudden windfall. Your love life seems a little mysterious at the moment, but that may be short-lived. Enjoy a ghost tour around town or at the historic Canfield Casino.


November 22-December 21
You have the Midas touch. Your mind is expansive and can produce multimillion-dollar ideas with solid plans to back them up. Home life is a bit of a mystery; something is going on behind the scenes. Pay attention. Get out and enjoy a fun, active social life.


December 22-January 19
No one’s as driven as you are right now. You can outpace anyone with your stamina and determination. Allow your intellectual and creative friends to help with your goals. They will provide inspiration for your practical ideas.


January 20-February 18
Have you always wanted to open your own retreat or spa in the Spa City? Your friends are multiplying rapidly, and they might be able to provide opportunities to boost your career. But beware: Goblins are bringing out subconscious fears. Don’t keep sweeping them under the carpet.


February 19-March 20
Your friends are very accomplished and powerful. Take their lead and push for that career advancement. You have luck riding on your side. You can reason and discuss issues with the best of them. Have confidence, and life will be fair in all departments.


March 21-April 19
Avoid gambling with finances or investments at this time. Keep the grind going steadily, and you’ll be rewarded. Enjoy the crisp air by getting under the covers to read a book. Spend time with your loved one. Quarrels may arise, but making up will be fun.


April 20-May 20
For the earthy and steady bull, things have surely been a bit unusual and unsettled. Let loose. Enjoy some romance! It could surprise you and lead to something special. Invest in this intimacy…and some real estate, too, while you’re at it.


May 21-June 20
All signs point to romance. Someone wants to bring fun and creative inspiration into your life. They say office romances aren’t a good idea, but go for it anyway. Why should you miss this opportunity to find a soulmate?


June 21-July 22
There’ll be a little bit of upheaval at home during this period. It might be a good idea to take your mate out on the town to one of the many fun spots in Saratoga Springs. It could redirect the fire between you and put it back where it belongs.


July 23-August 22
You’ve been building your career potential for a long time now. An unusual opportunity could present itself through a possible partnership. Your creative juices are flowing, so share your ideas with a partner you can trust. Visit with your parents and siblings for grounding.


August 23-September 22
Take care of finances and investments; this area will be active for you. It’s a good time to consider remodeling or expanding your home. You’re drawn to a partner who’s intuitive, spiritual and gifted. This complements you in many ways.

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