Saratoga Spa State Park’s Peerless Pool Reopens In Time For Summer Season

Long before I discovered the its trendier, bougier cousin, the Victoria Pool, I was a mainstay at the nearby Peerless Pool. Sure, it could be a splash-fest at times and it had its fair share of unruly children (and shout-y adults), but it was a place that I could go as a kid to beat the Saratoga summer heat.

While the Peerless Pool usually shuts down on Labor Day, last year, it clammed up a little early on August 14. It turned out the complex was in dire need of renovations—and the State dug deep into its pockets (i.e. Governor Andrew Cuomo’s NY Parks 2020 initiative) and came up big. Now, $2.9 million later, the pool has reopened just in time for the summer surge, with a bevy of new upgrades.

Although the old-school bathhouse has been reduced in size by a third, that’s allowed for a greater amount of green space in the vicinity of the pool. Upgrades have been made to changing room areas, with the addition of family bathrooms for an atmosphere yet friendlier to the knee-high crowd. Other extras include a new entrance plaza and courtyard, with benches, bike racks, a shade canopy, covered shelters and better accessibility for people with disabilities.

Peerless Pool
A peek inside the recently renovated Peerless Pool Complex. (New York State Parks, Recreation & Historic Preservation)

Next to the pool complex, there’s now shaded bench areas, rentable pavilions for family gatherings and pre-teen soirées, a disc golf course, a pollinator garden and wildflower meadow with bluebird boxes.

“For generations the Peerless Pool has provided families with great summer memories, and these improvements will help ensure that tradition continues,” said Rose Harvey, State Parks Commissioner, in a statement. “State parks are extremely affordable and enjoyable as they offer a full day of family entertainment that will build lasting memories for a lifetime.” Saratoga Springs’ Mayor Meg Kelly concurred. “The Peerless Pool is a great asset to the region. I have fond memories swimming here as a child. It is a great family friendly destination in the beautiful Saratoga Spa Park. Thank you to all who have made this beautiful renovation a reality.”

The Peerless Pool Complex consists of an Olympic-sized pool, waterslide pool and children’s wading pool and fountain, and attracts over 30,000 visitors on average per year.

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