Housewives, Hoarders, anything true crime–we all have our guilty pleasures on TV. And here we sit, with these shows suddenly at the forefront of our daily lives, providing crucial escapism as we find ourselves stuck at home during quarantine. My favorite? Bravo’s Southern Charm, a reality series that chronicles the lives of the lovable (and sometimes not so lovable) socialites of Charleston, SC. I eat it all up, from the polo matches and The Founder’s Ball, to an oyster roast and one of Miss Patricia’s infamous dinner parties. Proper southern etiquette isn’t always embraced!
Part of the show’s (I can’t help myself) “charm” sits squarely on original cast member Shep Rose, a well-to-do bachelor known for his party-all-night and sleep-in-late lifestyle. He vowed to clean up his act and begin to settle down a bit, but then the show went on hiatus, leaving us fans hanging. Our favorite playboy wasn’t just sitting idle, though. In addition to running a few nightlife hot spots down in Charleston, he also started a clothing line that was a hit at Saratoga Race Course last summer (especially his signature American baseball caps and “Dad Bod” t-shirts). Locally, you can hit up Miss Scarlett Boutique (when we’re allowed) to shop Shep Gear. Until then, we await Season 7 of Southern Charm (hopefully out later this year, although they did halt filming because of COVID-19)—and drool over his interview with Saratoga Living.
We didn’t know you had any interest in designing. How did Shep Gear come about?
I started it when I was wearing a homemade American flag hat. People kept asking where I got it, so I made some. They sold well, so I just started making shirts that I thought were funny. And people liked those, too.

When not filming, who are you friends with from the cast?
I’m close with many of them, Cameran [Eubanks, married mother-of-one realtor], especially. I stay with [co-creator and co-star] Whitney [Sudler-Smith] when I visit LA.
You’re known for being a ladies man. With your impending 40th birthday this year, does your family pressure you to settle down?
I’ve never felt any pressure from my family when it comes to my personal life. We just enjoy each other’s company.
How is your adorable pug, Lil Craig?
He’s great. He just jumped on me. I’ve got to take him to doggy daycare to work off all the energy with his little buddies.
Are you seeing anyone?
I am seeing someone at the moment. It’s going very well. Thanks for asking.
What is it like dating on camera?
It’s definitely a challenge. Putting a spotlight on something personal can make it all that more difficult. But the important thing is to never take anything too seriously.