
Tag: Capital Region Gives Back

This Saratoga-based, AI-powered Tech Platform is Making Writing Cool Again

Photography by Megan Mumford You’ve probably heard about all the ways in which AI is ruining education—namely, how students are getting out of hours of work by submitting essays written entirely by ChatGPT. But what if there was a way educators could actually use AI to help teach writing? Turns out, there is—and the world (yes, the world) has a Saratogian to thank for it. Meet...

Buy This: Astis Mittens From Alpine Sport Shop

We hate to break it to you, but it’s here: that dreaded time of year when you have to scrape ice off your car’s windshield before you can drive to work. The silver lining? You can do that, and any number of other wintertime activities—from skiing to Victorian strolling—in style. Enter: Astis, a brand of leather long-cuff mittens sold at Saratoga’s Alpine Sport Shop....

Capital Region Gives Back: Michele Jennings, Executive Director, H.O.P.E.

Michele Jennings has always known she’s a cat lady. After volunteering for her local SPCA in high school, Jennings worked for an animal rescue and...

Capital Region Gives Back: Humberto Chavez, Chaplain, New York Race Track Chaplaincy

The backstretch community—the stable workers who exercise, clean and care for the horses that race at Saratoga—are often called the backbone of the racing...

Capital Region Gives Back: Isabelle Franco, Volunteer Actor, Home Made Theater

Isabelle Franco has experienced the power of the performing arts firsthand. And she wants to make sure the next generation reaps the same benefits. Earlier...

Capital Region Gives Back: Mary Beth McGarrahan, Development Director, Franklin Community Center

In a city where homes regularly sell for more than $1 million and luxury condos seem to be sprouting up like weeds, it’s easy...

Capital Region Gives Back: Tom Politi, Architect, Veteran’s Time to Thrive

In 2019, a group of friends got together with the idea to develop an affordable housing project for veterans and active military personnel and...