Banda Magda Helps ‘SPAC On Stage’ Season Go Out With A Bang

Last night marked the final performance of the season for the popular SPAC On Stage series, hosted by saratoga living and the Saratoga Performing Arts Center (SPAC). As a quick refresher, the audience sits on SPAC’s main stage while they catch an exclusive performance by an internationally tinged/acclaimed artist or band playing directly in front of them.

New York City-based Banda Magda gave the series the sizzling sendoff it deserved, with a sprawling set of tunes pulled from the band’s eclectic catalog, which dips into Greek, Japanese, Turkish and Israeli traditions, among others.

And the audience got some great news, too. At the event, SPAC President and CEO Elizabeth Sobol, along with saratoga living Chair Anthony Ianniello, announced that the popular series had received funding for yet another year. So look out for more SPAC On Stage goodness in 2020.

As he has all season long, saratoga living‘s Francesco D’Amico was on hand to snap a range of photos, from a number of different angles, at the event, which took place on September 9. For more of D’Amico’s photos from the SPAC On Stage series, click here.

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