Beyond My Battle Teams Up With Caffè Lena To Put On Virtual ‘Art With Heart & Hope’ Show

The COVID-19 crisis has brought Saratoga’s once vibrant arts community to its knees, closing many of the city’s venues and postponing a number of live events. But late last month, there was a glimmer of hope when historic folk venue Caff`e Lena was deemed “essential,” opening back up to crowd-less performances.

Saratoga Living recently cosponsored an event there recently, and now others are taking notice. Beyond My Battle (BMB), a local nonprofit organization that provides support, education, resources and awareness to people with chronic illnesses and their families, will be holding its second annual Art With Heart & Hope, an art show featuring works by people who’ve been served by BMB, at the Saratoga venue, virtually.

On Saturday, May 30, BMB’s virtual Art With Heart & Hope event will be live-streamed on Caffè Lena’s YouTube page starting at 8pm. In addition to the exhibition, the event will also feature a live performance by local musician Angelina Valente. Art submissions for the show will be accepted through this Friday, May 15.

This year’s submissions “express a sense of hope more than last year,” says BMB Co-Founder Martel Catalano. One piece, she says, even focuses on COVID-19, specifically. “We can all use art to express how we feel, and we don’t have to be ‘good’ at it to do so,” she says. “Having a creative mindset brings us into the present moment where we can connect to what we’re feeling, in turn allowing us to express it through images, sounds or words.”

For more information on the show or how to submit work, click here.

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