Casey’s Homemade Goods Puts Saratoga Storefront on Hold (Updated)

The COVID-19 pandemic has forced many small business owners to rethink their plans for expansion. When Saratoga Living spoke with Saratoga Springs–based baking company, Casey’s Homemade Goods, back in May, owner Casey Dolan was planning to open her first storefront off of Broadway in Downtown Saratoga. (Earlier in the month, Dolan had announced on her company’s Facebook and Instagram pages that a brick-and-mortar store would be opening this fall.) Those plans have since fallen through, Dolan now confirms, due to the pandemic and “family matters.”

Casey’s Homemade Goods was founded in Dolan’s home in January of 2019, and since then, she’s been taking online orders for pickup and special events. According to the baker back in May, business was on the up and up. “I’ve seen a huge increase in business during this pandemic,” said Dolan. “The desire to support local has been overwhelming. But being able to provide a little joy and celebration to the people in my community is very rewarding and it inspires me to grow.”

Dolan’s passion for baking is evident in the menu of sweet treats (and now breads) that are available for order through her website. In addition to the usual sugary suspects—cupcakes, cookies, doughnuts, macarons and ice cream—the bakery also makes its own signature creations like Cookie Burgers (a brownie with strawberries, homemade marshmallow fluff and cheesecake fillings all sandwiched between two giant chocolate chip cookies) and Togatarts (a healthier, fresh-made Pop-Tart inspiration that comes in a variety of unique flavors—Death Wish Nutella, PB&J and brown sugar cinnamon to name a few).

Despite the brick-and-mortar plans being put on hold, Dolan tells Saratoga Living that she’s still up and running at full capacity and has been filling orders for cakes, fall macarons, apple pie Togatarts and cookies.

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