
The Beauty In Our Midst: This Saratoga-Based Photographer’s Stunning Images Remind Us Why We Love Saratoga Race Course

Billy Francis LeRoux is a horse racing photographer for the ages. I should know; I’ve had the pleasure of working with him for the past few years as executive editor at saratoga living. Let me tell you: The moments he captures and sends my way on a weekly basis are some of the most breathtaking I’ve ever seen. Don’t get me wrong; we have a great group of photographers here at the magazine, and each of them has his or her strengths. I’m not playing favorites at all. But Billy just has a way with the Sport of Kings.

In the above gallery, take a look at the choice cuts we chose from a cache he sent us right around deadline for the magazine. There’s a freshness to these photos; that lead shot is one of the first (and best) you’ll see of Saratoga Race Course’s new profile, featuring the brand-spanking-new 1863 Club.

Before he sent us his photos for the issue, Billy stopped by the office and explained to me, excitedly, how he had been getting up early and trying to capture that just-so Saratoga sunrise. It really doesn’t get any better than that time of day in Saratoga Springs at the track. You’ll know it when you see it. Enjoy. —Will Levith


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