
Death Wish Coffee Pumps Up Fall Season With Pumpkin Chai Product (Updated)

You might have noticed that the powers that be behind America’s food brands are making pumpkin spice everything these days. There’s pumpkin spice Bailey’s and Bud Light Seltzer, pumpkin spice KitKat bars, pumpkin-spice-flavored Cheerios, pumpkin spice Pepperidge Farm bread products…hell, there’s even a pumpkin spice Cup Noodles flavor. Going on a hike in the Adirondacks? Don’t forget to bring your Pumpkin Spice Pie Clif bars for nourishment. And Philadelphia is now marketing a pumpkin spice cream cheese—you know, to schmear all over your Thomas pumpkin spice bagels.

Of course, if any one brand is to blame for all of this pumpkin-spiced madness, it would be Starbucks, who first launched its Pumpkin Spice Latte (a.k.a. “PSL”), back in 2003. And if you’ve been keeping track, the coffee giant last month announced that it would be turning its clocks back in (bleeping) August, launching its PSL the earliest it ever has before, thanks to overwhelming demand.

Well, now, you can truly be a PSPD (Pumpkin Spice Prima Donna) with Death Wish Coffee‘s latest product, Pumpkin Chai Coffee, which it launched on August 27 and is making available for a limited time only. Formerly known as Cauldron-Aged Pumpkin, Death Wish is marketing its newly retooled version of the product as an all-natural, USDA Certified Organic and Fair Trade blend. It will be available in the following forms: 12 oz. ground coffee, 12 oz. whole bean, 10-count Death Cups (single-serve coffee pods).

“We saw the need to create a pumpkin coffee that meets the demands of our customers, and that demand was for an all-natural, Fair Trade and USDA Organic Pumpkin Chai Coffee,” says Mike Brown, founder and chief executive officer. “Artificial ingredients aren’t the right way to create a pumpkin blend—and that’s exactly why we wanted to do a pumpkin blend the right way.” Adds Lauren Abendroth, director of research and development: “Death Wish Coffee Pumpkin Chai is not just your run-of-the-mill pumpkin-flavored coffee. The perfect amount of pumpkin flavor is achieved through the addition of edible natural, organic-compliant essential oils to a portion of the roasted coffee bean. To create the uniquely delicious spice profile we use real, organic certified spices and tea that you see listed on the ingredient panel. This coffee is truly a labor of love with the goal being to provide the most off-the-hook pumpkin coffee experience of the season.”

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