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At Saratoga’s Afterglow Sunless Tans, the End of Summer Doesn’t Mean the End of Beautiful, Bronzed Skin

Who among us hasn’t known the feeling of looking in the mirror and seeing insecurities—things that we want to change about our appearance? As...

This Saratoga-based, AI-powered Tech Platform is Making Writing Cool Again

Photography by Megan Mumford You’ve probably heard about all the ways in which AI is ruining education—namely, how students are getting out of hours of...

Buy This: Astis Mittens From Alpine Sport Shop

We hate to break it to you, but it’s here: that dreaded time of year when you have to scrape ice off your car’s...

Maria Bucciferro on the Legacy of the Late John Hendrickson

On a bluebird day this past August, I ran into John Hendrickson, Marylou Whitney’s third husband, after several years of not seeing him. He...

Scenes From the 2024 Saratoga SantaCON

On Saturday, December 14, hundreds of festively dressed Saratogians took to Caroline Street for the 13th annual bar crawl to support Franklin Community Center....

Scenes From the 6th Annual Capital Region Gives Back

Photography by Jess McNavich On Wednesday, the Capital Region's charitable community gathered at Putnam Place for the 6th annual Capital Region Gives Back, an event...