
‘Saratoga Living’ Quarantinis: SPAC Serenade

This week, Saratoga Living put out a call for cocktail recipes that readers can make at home to, you know, spice up their time in quarantine. (Luckily, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo deemed liquor stores “essential” businesses, and a handful of Saratoga ones are offering at-home delivery.) Our first two quarantini submissions were attempts at recreating Hamlet & Ghost’s Gin Gin Fizz, but the following is an all-original (and earthy) concept, submitted by the Saratoga Performing Arts Center (SPAC) staff. Give it a try; you might just be able to find some of the ingredients in your own backyard!

SPAC Serenade

1 tbsp. Pine simple syrup (pine needles, water, sugar)
2 oz. Rye or bourbon
2 Dashes Angostura Bitters
1 Orange slice
1 Pine sprig

In a cocktail shaker, add simple syrup, rye or bourbon and bitters. Shake and pour over ice; garnish with orange slice and pine sprig.

—Submitted by SPAC


Want in on the fun? Saratoga Living wants your best quarantini recipes, and we’ll publish the best ones of the bunch on our website. You can send your recipes to [email protected] (with a photo, if you have one).

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