
‘Saratoga Living’ Quarantinis: Hamlet & Ghost’s Gin Gin Fizz, Two Ways

Earlier this week, Saratoga Living put out a call for cocktail recipes that Saratogians can make while they’re at home in quarantine (a.k.a. quarantinis), and, ironically, the first two recipes to hit our inbox were both attempts at recreating Hamlet & Ghost‘s Gin Gin Fizz, a delicious mix of gin, grapefruit, lemon, ginger and foam. Now, Hamlet & Ghost certainly doesn’t advertise the recipe to such a sought-after cocktail online, so our two novice mixologists had to get creative. Despite the fact that both left out one crucial “Gin” (the ginger), and may have both been inspired by the same online Gin Fizz recipe, we think they did pretty well. Here’s what they came up with:

Blackberry Gin Gin Fizz

2 oz. Gin
1 oz. Fresh lemon juice
4-5 Muddled blackberries (or however many you think is good)
3/4 oz. Simple syrup
1 Egg white (about 1/2 oz.)
Club soda

Dry shake the first five ingredients (but not for long, because it’ll explode—10 seconds is good). Then, put some ice in and shake for a while longer. Strain (I didn’t strain that well, because I love blackberry seeds and extra foam) into a glass and top with club soda.

—Submitted by Lauren

Molly’s cocktail-making attempt involved substituting a cocktail shaker with a giant mason jar.

Gin Fizz

2 oz. Gin
1 oz. Lemon juice (fresh is best, but ReaLemon lemon juice also works)
3/4 oz. Simple syrup
1 Egg white (about 1/2 oz.)

Dry shake the first four ingredients (if you don’t have a cocktail shaker, a giant mason jar will do the trick). Add ice, and shake more. Double strain (if you don’t have a cocktail strainer, a sieve will work) into a glass and top with seltzer.

—Submitted by Molly

Want in on the fun? Saratoga Living wants your best quarantini recipes, and we’ll publish the best ones of the bunch on our website. You can send your recipes to editorial@saratogaliving.com (with a photo, if you have one).

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