Beautiful Design: ‘saratoga living’ Design Editor Beverly Tracy Gives Tips For Updating Your Home For 2019

As all of my clients know, a house becomes a home when it’s filled with personal items—special, meaningful pieces that have you written all over them. I can often be found digging through the pantry for just such things: vases from my grandma, old boxes of china and crystal that have been tucked away for safe-keeping. I’ve even been known to frame my sons’ artwork. Living with beautiful things—things that you love and that bring you joy—is how you create a home. So dust off those old wedding gifts and actually use them! Odds are, they’ll make you think of that old friend or family member who gave them to you. The warm memories those objects will bring you and your home will embrace you like a giant hug.

I get asked questions about interior design trends all the time—so I’ve decided to start answering them here in the pages of saratoga living! Have any questions about design burning a hole in your pocket? Email

What are some quick, easy ways that I can update my house for 2019?
-Martha Burke, Saratoga Springs

It’s easy to update your house for the new year! Follow these five simple steps:

1. A fresh coat of paint will ring in the new year with a bang if it’s a strong, rich hue. I’m loving deep greens, classic navy blue and even black.

2. Out with the old pillows and in with the new, brighter ones. Color, color, color! Carefully selected and placed, jewel-toned pillows will bring your
sofa into 2019.

3. All I wanted for Christmas was…a piece of acrylic furniture. Yes, this cool, clear material will bring a new look to any room.

4. Flowers are a great way of updating your home. Find some wall space for floral wallpaper, track down a flower-printed pillow or purchase a piece of modern art with a floral subject. And don’t stop there; a weekly, fresh bouquet of flowers in your home will keep rooms bright all year.

5. Soft and luxurious is going to be the big winner in 2019. Sumptuous rich velvets, thick wool rugs and dreamy throws will get your house ready for a truly stylish new year!

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