Business for Good Foundation Donates Long-Term Use of 1 Franklin Square to Shelters of Saratoga

It didn’t take long for Saratoga Springs–based foundation Business for Good to make its mark on the city. Co-founded by philanthropists and entrepreneurs Ed Mitzen, CEO of  Fingerpaint, and his wife, Lisa, the foundation has already acquired the Bread Basket Bakery and Hattie’s Restaurant, transforming each into pipelines for local charity.

Now, the foundation is lending a helping hand to Shelters of Saratoga (SOS), an organization to which the Mitzens have already donated millions of dollars, as well as volunteered and advocated for extensively throughout the years. As part of the brand-new partnership, Business for Good will help SOS expand on its program to provide affordable apartments with support services to low-income residents by donating long-term use of the historic 5,179-square-foot 1 Franklin Square building in Saratoga. The building is currently equipped with first-floor retail space and four one-bedroom apartments.

“The gift works to fill the community need for affordable apartments with supportive care,” says Duane J. Vaughn, executive director at Shelters of Saratoga. “Access to health care, food, employment and community services promotes self-sufficiency and stable housing.”

Shelters of Saratoga already operates 11 affordable apartment units with support services for 16 residents in Downtown Saratoga. The agency recently purchased the former Spa Motel on Ballston Ave in Saratoga, with plans for the nine-unit motel to reopen as part of the supportive housing program in 2023.

“With a shared mission to fight housing instability in Saratoga Springs, Business for Good is honored to support Shelters of Saratoga in its effort to make an even greater impact in the community for those in need,” says Jahkeen Hoke, CEO of Business for Good Chief.

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