‘saratoga living’ Horoscopes: Balance Is Key, Aries

Hey, Saratogians! You can now read your monthly horoscopes in saratoga living magazine—and, of course, on saratogaliving.com. Make sure to return early and often to our website to find out what might lie in store for you over the next month.


March 21-April 19
OK, Saratoga, I have to say, the full moon in Libra will shake things up in your relationship area. It may bring you the love of your life, your worst enemy…or both! Let’s get to the bottom of something you’re trying to heal from or hiding in your relationships. It’s not a good idea to become involved in a clandestine affair or anything secretive. Spring fever is rising, and your MO is to jump into relationships headlong and quickly, but then they burn out. Don’t forget compromise and balance are important. You’ve had a period of intense career activity, and the spring air may make you want to overindulge in food, drink and impulsive spending. I know you want to break out after a long winter, but find grounding with friends, group activities and special causes. You need the balance to bring you back to Earth, as you’ve been walking on air and a little too cloudy in your thinking.


April 20-May 20
You’re an active and ambitious bunch this spring. Your career will provide highly unusual and positive opportunities. Don’t miss out! Your steady determination can benefit you greatly. I know you just want to dig your hands in and create something beautiful, but do be careful of accidents or injuries. I can’t wait to see the garden this year.


May 21-June 20
Aren’t you the lucky twins this spring, with both your career and love life positively highlighted? You could meet and/or marry your ideal mate or “twin” flame. Watch for misunderstandings with workmates. What far off land is calling you, Gemini? Travel is very beneficial at this time. Oh, the places
you could go! Do it!


June 21-July 22
Home life can be turbulent during this time, and nothing upsets you more. Chin up, dear. Know this too shall pass, and it isn’t worth dwelling on minor issues. Take your mind off of these things for a while and enroll in a health or fitness activity. Better yet, organize your work space.
It will do wonders!


July 23-August 22
You’ll have lots of activity in your career. You’re a star! All the more reason to take a tiny break and enjoy a little romance with your love. This is an ideal time for filling your heart with all things good. Do something unique and unusual together!


August 23-September 22
Finances/income can be a little shaky during this period, and that unsettles you. Travel can also be disruptive. May I suggest you spend time at home, as it provides a sense of comfort to reassess all that has been on your mind?


September 23-October 22
You’ll be singing “Love Is In The Air.” Oh, yes! You may have a passionate whirlwind romance that puts you in another orbit. Take care of any health issues that may rear their heads, as they can be tricky to diagnose at this time.


October 23-November 21
Money, baby. Finances are extremely favorable for you at this time. Do what you can to invest wisely and plan your future security. Arguments in relationships/partnerships can be deterred by diverting your passion into intimate nights at home.


November 22-December 21
Luck is on your side. You were born with a horseshoe…in certain places. Do not overindulge, or it could lead to major accidents or health issues. Go for what you’ve always wanted. Doors are wide open for you now. You only need to walk through and light the way.


December 22-January 19
OK, boss. Finances, romance and your career are highlighted during this period. Extra income should flow your way. Lighten up a little,
and your romantic life or creative pursuits could start sizzling. Pursue those dreams.


January 20-February 18
Love, finances, social life, travel and higher learning are all activated during this period. Bring me a higher love! With everything seeming so smooth, I preach to avoid high risk with finances and investments. Be sure to check those statements.


February 19-March 20
Time to shimmer and shine. You must take advantage of career opportunities that come your way. Mercury is in retrograde in your 1st house of self-expression, so guard yourself from any miscommunications and misunderstandings.

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