Job Hunters: The Saratoga Automobile Museum, Outspoken Media, Bilinski Sausage Are All Hiring

With Governor Cuomo’s mandatory work-from-home order set to expire on May 15—though he’s hinted that it could be extended for certain regions, based on the results of rolling COVID-19 antibody tests—there’s a chance that some not-previously-deemed “essential” construction and manufacturing workers could be getting back to work soon.

But when you think of how much the job market has changed in just a six-week period—one in which 1.6 million people have put in jobless claims—one has to wonder if what the office or a worksite looked like at the beginning of March will carry over to the post-COVID era. Our guess is it will be a lot different. For one, offices and worksites will have to accommodate for social distancing, and workers will have to wear Personal Protective Equipment. (You thought the heat was jacked up too high last winter, but imagine what it’ll feel like with a face mask on all day.) Workplaces will also need to be sanitized more often and to a greater extent (and possibly, at a greater cost to an employer). And we’re not positive here, but our Spidey-sense is tingling and telling us that remote work might end up becoming mandatory on a weekly basis or even replace office work altogether for some companies. And while that might be a major drag for those workers who love making the morning cubicle rounds instead of printing out TPS reports, the “new normal” could cut down on chatty cathys; long, arduous commutes; gas money and car repairs; and a lot of other expenses baked into office work (see: lunches, snacks, coffee).

We might sound like a broken record, but since the majority of jobs are remote right now, that provides the traditional employee with a lot more flexibility than he or she has ever had in terms of applications. And while some businesses may be on hiring freezes at the moment, be sure to still send in your résumé: If the day you send it in is the day the freeze gets unfrozen, you might just be in luck. Good hunting.

Local Job Opportunities

Cool Job Reminder (Local)
Remember a few weeks ago when we teased that Coordinating Producer position at the New York Racing Association (NYRA)? It’s still up on LinkedIn Jobs, and even though NYRA announced on April 29 that the Saratoga Race Course summer season would likely happen without fans, that doesn’t mean broadcast positions are a moot point at the track. In fact, if the track’s going to be in session, come hell or high water, the TVs will be going still, so that the races can be live-streamed via the web and bettors can still bet. Also, security guards will need to be hired (to keep people away from the fences when the fan-less races are taking place inside), as will cleaners and other maintenance-oriented positions.

Cool Job Opportunity (Local)
Are you a talented marketer, looking for a new role in a hot city? Troy-based boutique internet marketing firm Outspoken Media, whose CEO, Rhea Drysdale, we’ve had the pleasure of breaking bread with at Plumb Oyster Bar—the business’ neighbor—is looking to hire a Digital Producer, who will “[serve] as the primary liaison between Outspoken Media and clients, organizing projects’ budgets, tasks and deliverables.” If you just read that last line and were like, “Whaaat?,” you probably shouldn’t apply for the role (it requires 3-5 years of experience). We can vouch for Rhea’s smarts, drive and can-do attitude—and as far as we’re concerned, any business that lists a dog as a team member on the about page has got to be a winner. Search for the job on LinkedIn Jobs or check out the company’s careers page.

Cool Job Opportunity (Local)
Consider yourself next in line to the throne of Abe Froman, Sausage King of Chicago? Bilinski Sausage Co. in Cohoes, which makes all-natural, certified-organic chicken sausages, is looking to fill immediate openings in its packaging and production departments. Pay starts at $13/hour and will increase to $14/hour once a 90-day probationary period is met. Available benefits include health and dental insurance, as well as paid sick, personal and vacation time—and we’re going to go out on a limb and say sausages, sausages and more sausages. Find the job by searching for it on Indeed or reach out to the company on its website. It might be worth casing (get it?) the joint.

Cool Dog…We Mean, Job Opportunity (Local)
Are you a dog lover? Enjoy beating the COVID-19 blues by going out for long, aimless walks with your pooch? Why not marry the two by joining the Saratoga Dog Walkers team? You may remember Owner Tim Pink from our “Saratoga 20” list way back when. He’s the fellow who gets the massive packs of dogs to all be good boys and girls via Instagram videos. And he’s looking for a Dog Pack Walker, who will be paid $10-$15/hour. It’s a full-time job, so make sure your treat bag is ultra-full and your poop baggies are at the ready. Find the job description here.

Cool Job Opportunity (Local)
Vroom-vroom! Saratoga Living‘s partner extraordinaire, the Saratoga Automobile Museum, is on the lookout for a Director of Development, who “will be responsible for growing memberships through the cultivation, solicitation and securing of financial support from the community.” Since we know the team well over there, we can tell you that they’re a highly dedicated bunch of people, who have a shared love of all things cars, educational programming and building community among car enthusiasts the world over. Plus, the museum is the cat’s pajamas. Since this is a director-level position, if you don’t have at least 5-10 years experience, this is probably not the job for you. But if you dreamt of the hum of a Porsche engine throughout the dead of the Saratoga winter—and like to go into your garage and play “commuting to work”—this might just be the job for you. Search for the position on Facebook, or check out the auto museum’s jobs page.

National/Remote Work Opportunities

Cool Job Opportunity (International/Remote)
Czech this out. Literally. The Prague-based SEMrush, a 12-year-old, all-in-one digital marketing software suite, is looking for a Blog Editor, who will be doing everything that a good writer/editor does. This is not for beginners, either: You’ll have to come armed with at least five years of experience, and well, because there’s no such thing as international travel at the moment the “comfortable and cozy office in Prague” will have to wait; you can work the job remotely (but obviously, on Czech time, which is six hours ahead of us here in the US). Search for the job on LinkedIn Jobs, or browse the company’s careers page.

Cool Job Opportunity (National w/ Local Ties)
Remember how we gushed about that new, unicorn of a Troy- and Boston-based digital startup, aptihealth, a few weeks ago in the Job Hunters column? Besides staffing up locally—it’s looking to add as many as 75 new employees this year alone—the company is adding a Chief Financial Officer to its Boston office. Think you have what it takes to land this position? It’s an exec-level position, which requires 10-12 (or more) years of experience, and you must be a CPA. And, hey, if you’re interested, we might be able to put you in touch with someone who knows someone. Get our drift? The only issue is that the job’s not located in the Capital Region, it’s based in Boston (hence, the header). So, if you’re comfortable with a change of scenery and are already a card-carrying member of Red Sox Nation, you should be good to go. (If you’re a Yankees fan, you probably shouldn’t apply.) Check out the job description on the company’s website here.

Job, Business And Volunteering Opportunities

Cool Job Advice From Walrath Recruiting Inc. (Advertisement)
Q: What should I do if I have been laid off during the COVID-19 pandemic?
A: Stay Positive and Be Proactive

Getting laid off can be defeating and challenging. However, it is important to stay positive, be proactive and utilize this time to find the next step in your career.

First, start by evaluating your last position. What did you like or dislike about the job? Maybe you want to be working at a smaller or larger company, work remote or want to change industries entirely. Take inventory and move forward accordingly.

Next, update your résumé and references. Include any additional skills you have gained in your last position and ensure the information is accurate. Browse job boards, reach out to your network, leverage social media to help with your search and start applying! Some companies may have temporarily paused hiring, but many are still actively looking, conducting virtual interviews and providing video onboarding and training during this time.

Cool Job Resource (Anywhere)
If you were born and raised in Saratoga Springs (like we were), you’ll know that loads of super cool, intelligent people pass through the halls of Saratoga Springs High School. One such person? Meadow Merry, a business coach for creatives such as artists, writers or musicians (maybe you’re all three). If you happen to find yourself in a rut right now—and many of us in the creative workforce are because of the COVID-19 crisis—Meadow could be just what the (business) doctor ordered. We asked her for a soundbite, and here’s what she sent us: “My tip for those people looking for jobs is to create their own and go into business for themselves, doing the work they’ve always wanted to do.” Spoken like a true creative coach. Interested in a session or 10? Check out Meadow Merry’s website here.

Cool Resources For Kids

Your Yard (Or Local Park) Is A Classroom
Yep, school’s basically out forever, per the governor. And one of the toughest parts of the COVID-19 crisis for parents is the having-to-stay-inside-and-watch-Frozen-a-thousand-more-times thing. Our first piece of advice: Let it go. (See what we did there?) Our second piece of advice: If you have kindergarten-aged children, one great homeschooling device is Tinkergarten at Home, which puts an emphasis on experiential (and outdoor!) learning and community, whether that be through collaboration, creativity or problem-solving. With the weather getting warmer and the great outdoors calling, as long as everyone is socially distanced and wearing the proper PPE, Tinkergarten is wonderful way to get your children outdoors and learning. Take the video class that we embedded above, which involves an empty egg carton and a “treasure box.” Sounds like fun, right? (Pirates need not apply.)

Cool Diversions

Sick of Books? Try Some TL;DRs
OK, so you’ve blown through War and Peace and The Infinite Jest, and you’re on the lookout for something equally as mind-numbingly long to read. Might we suggest some expert longform journalism? One of the best places to find a curated list of the best longreads out there is, well, the aptly titled If you like what you’re reading, you can become a member of the site.

Brain Set to Overdrive? Try Meditating
We know what you’re going to say: meditating is for hippies in California and gurus on hills and not for New York suburbanites trapped at home with children running hither and yon. Actually, meditation is a great form of relaxation for anyone—and something that many big-timers use (see: Oprah, Jerry Seinfeld, Paul McCartney and LeBron James) to turn off their brains and recharge. There are so many great meditation apps out there, but we prefer Calm, which is great for both meditation and sleeping. Interested in some additional reading material? Try 10% Happier or Wherever You Go, There You Are to start. Fan out from there. Speaking of LeBron, check out the teaser video above from the King via Calm.

Listen to This
As Bloomberg reported late last month, workers are working longer hours at home during the COVID-19 crisis. Any freelancer will chuckle at that, because it’s a given that if you’re working for yourself, you’ll work longer hours. And more hours in the office means that a good night’s sleep is even more of a requirement. So, listen to this beautiful number from Graham Nash’s solo debut, Songs for Beginners, called “Sleep Song.” Sure, it’s probably about him and Joni Mitchell being in love, but it’s way more soothing than listening to CSNY’s “Ohio” while you try to nod off. You’re getting sleepier

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